Monday, May 26, 2008

Family Proclamation Cookies

For most of you, you may be familiar with this document put out by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It's the Proclamation to the World about the family unit. I am posting this recipe because...#1 - it is a recipe and #2 - I think it would be a fun Family Home Evening idea for anyone who needs yet another idea.

I came across this cute recipe idea from a website called and thought this woman's idea was very creative. You can go there for the actual posting and her ideas for the cookies. I have added my own revisions to the recipe, since it seemed kind of scattered and worded funny. I, myself, added the last line "Enjoy for Eternity". Because I felt like our families would be for eternity and you could use the recipe for eternity. :0)

For the month of May, we had the theme of "Family" in Sharing time and I used this recipe to top off my lesson yesterday. I don't have a picture of the actual cookies because they are just your basic chocolate chip cookies. They are pretty good and probably deserved to have their picture taken, but they were gobbled up too fast for me to think, "oh, I've got to get a picture!".

Family Proclamation Cookies

Combine together.....

1 Husband (one stick of butter)
1 Wife (one stick of Butter)

Blend these two together (marriage)

Add: all the blessings of the Priesthood. (One egg) ANDAll the things that a Father does for the family: Provides, Protects, Presides over the family in love in righteousness. (Add another egg)

Combine: 3/4 cup of Nurturing love by our Mother (white sugar)

Add: 3/4 cup of Gospel teaching by Mother and Father (brown Sugar)

Stir in...
2-1/4 cups of Faithful, respectful, Obedient, compassionate children (flour)

1 teaspoon of Repentance (salt)

1 teaspoon of Prayer (soda)

1 teaspoon of Forgiveness (vanilla)

Mix well, and add 2 cups of unselfish SERVICE! (chocolate chips)
(Ask children to name some service ideas, as they add the chocolate chips.)

Combine all ingredients for the recipe of a Happy Home Cookie, and drop by spoonfuls onto a cookie sheet. Bake in Sunshine (oven) at 375 F degrees for 9-11 minutes.

Enjoy for Eternity...

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